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Thursday, May 25, 2006
hello leaving in few hours[:went for ptd yesterday omg so screwed. haha my chinese's in band 10 omg. and cheng was being such a smart ass he was asking my mum what time i reach home everyday do i look like the type who'd hang out till night and not go home? !!! anyway after that met jasmine claire melissa kat charissa aileen beverly cheryl and watched poseidon(: haha the cinema was like freezing man. yeah and poseidon was kinda nonsensical but it's quite nice lah huh. hurhur. but it was such a evil show like in the lift part josh lucas asked the old guy to shake the waiter off omg so evil! and the helicopter part was retarded wah lao i thought it was some polar express or something. haha. and then beverly got so retarded after the show and screamed at someone fixing the lift. hahaha. went sakae after that, shared a bowl of noodles with melissa. havent eaten udon noodles in eons[: hmm and went pasar malam at night with yvonne haha spent all my money!!! :( and the drinks were so damn sweet i swear i'm gonna get diabetes luh. anyway the stupid pasar malam was like damn ass small and lousy :( everything so second handed haha i know that's the point but seriously lah. we wanted to play those games but the prizes looked so damn ancient! haha. yeahhh and stupid yvonne didnt wanna walk me home after that. haha stupid when a stranger calls is still haunting me!! omg. like when i walk into the lift the first thing i do is look up at the top. to see if there's someone hiding there. hahaha. damn spastic i know. okay people see you when i get back(: Sunday, May 21, 2006
sc open house yesterday hurhur ho ting and i were stoning awayyyyyy. okay lah it wasn't that boring we helped to run errands(: helped out abit at shihong's stall. and i didnt really spend that much lah huh. michelle was sooooo upset that i bought aileen's milkshake and jasmine's popcorn and not her muffins. hahaa. but i bought her strawberry lemonade! which she says doesnt count. hahaha. i wanted to go haunted house though! but they didnt let people go in anymore cus they had overwhelming response.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yn6SW0Tex0 high school musical:D hurhur and omg i havent started packing for nz yet. well i like procrastinating:D i never do stuff early. but i do have the intention of doing them early it's just that i'm too lazy to get around to it. :( i think we're gonna get our ss marks back tomorrowww aww shucks. i hope i did good. who doesnt, actually. there's singapore idol today in like 2 and a half hours. it's gonna be such a bunch of laughs. i think those people are like so stupid for subjecting themselves to humiliation. entertainment for us though. We're all in this together Once we know That we are We're all stars And we see that We're all in this together And it shows When we stand Hand in hand Make our dreams come
Thursday, May 18, 2006
hullo(:had the bio workshop today it was damn boring but aileen jasmine claire and i laughed like shit when we did the experiments. hahah. and those stupid tips were supposed to be sterile but someone's hair dropped inside haha damn funny! :D and the instuctor was damn lame and he's like laughing at his own jokes. oh well but he gave us early recess at 10. hahah. waaayyy early man. so we got to eat meepok:D oh and i was so pissed with cha today ok. she said she rarely saw me at badminton. hello i rarely see you at badminton too cus you dont even come take attendance you just pass the stupid clipboard to someone to help you. and last last thursday i was attending the nz meeting and she bloody hell knew, i saw it marked in her attendance thing and she still asked me to get a letter from ms leong. like what the facking hell why don't you go get it yourself straight from her, like you two stay in the same damn office. okay so on tuesday went with aileen to watch when a stranger calls after school(: haha it's scary but the movie isnt' that nice. i'd rate it around 6 out of 10.. i think the scariest parts were like when Jill turned her head in the bathroom and saw Tiffany lying dead there. haha that was seriously unexpected. and the part where the stranger was up in the ceiling. and when the police called her and told her to get out of the house and all the lights went out. hahha and then everyone started screaming. haha omg. i am still kinda freaked out by it i don't dare to go toilet at night:D lmao. yeah and i couldnt even bathe properly cus i didn't dare to close my eyes ahahaha. and we bought ho ting's present(: facking shit and i saw this magazine full of zac efron but it costs like around $11 and it's the super thin kind of magazine too. arghhh bloody shit. i really want it. haha. i want the poster :( and we had lit lesson yesterday omg so interesting. like did you know that the fairytales we're reading today with the happily ever afters, they're the edited and censored ones. the uncensored fairy tales are so much more interesting please. like in little red riding hood the wolf asked her to strip and get in bed with him. haha. yeah and rapunzel actually got pregnant cus she let a guy climb up her hair. damnnnnn i really want to read it. hahaha. even if it's kinda erotic. 2 more days to sc openhouse(: Monday, May 15, 2006
Happy birthday ho ting(:love you loads<333 hello babes i think i kinda screwed up my ss. haha. i dunno. i was just like repeating the same point over and over again.. lmao. oh heck at least it's over :D yeahhhh. anyway my eyes were really puffy today cus i couldnt really sleep last night haha jasmine says i look haggard(: and i didn't know how obvious the puffiness was till i went to the toilet after ss and i was like omgggg. hahha. yepp okay today chinese was especially shitty cus i had like stomach cramps throughout the double period and i couldnt sleep cus cai lao shi kept shooting questions at the class. omg i just realised that i dont know her english name. hahahah. but i finally got enlightened today:D haha i finally know why i didnt get picked for china trip last year hurhur. cus jade and i kept laughing at jiang lao shi during her lesson that's why. :( heh okay. i love today cus there's so much teevee to watch(: like so you think you can dance, desperate housewives and survivor. haha. yeah and my dad's coming back from china later and i'm going to the airport at 6(: anyway stupid sinyee went to spoil my survivor surprise she's such a idiot. :(((((( Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I know that something has changed Never felt this way And right here tonight Can't wait to see high school musical on disney channel haha. (: Had dramafest auditions yesterday hurhur. Damn stupid i forgot my stupid lines even though there were only 2? hahaha. I think i'm gonna be damn screwed for SS on monday. efff. and we don't even get to go home after the stupid exam we have to go through a normal day. stupid shit. :( Oh and da vinci code's NC16 hurhurhur. Facking stupid please.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Lately nothing I do ever seems to please you And maybe turning my back would be that much easier Cus hurtful words are all that we exchange But I can’t watch you walk away Can I forget about the way it feels to touch you? And all about the good times that we’ve been through Could I wake up without you everyday? Would I let you walk away? No, I can’t learn to live without And I can’t give up on us now Oh, I know I could say we're through And tell myself I’m over you But even if I made a vow I promise not to miss you now And try to hide the truth inside I fell cause I, I just can’t live a lie